
This web app allows you to generate music with Polyphemus, a polyphonic multi-instrument symbolic music generator.

The model generates 2 bars of 4/4 music played by 4 instruments: drums, bass, piano and strings. The editable 4x32 grid allows you to specify which of the 4 instruments must be activated in the 32 timesteps that constitute a bar. The model then generates music by following these directives for each of the 2 bars.

Quick Instructions

  1. Edit the Grid: To activate or deactivate an instrument at a given timestep, simply click on the respective cell. Beats are shaded differently to ease the editing process. Click and drag to activate or deactivate multiple cells. For optimal results, try to design a grid that mirrors realistic music patterns.
  2. Generate Music With the Model: Once you're satisfied with your grid design, hit the "Generate" button and wait for the model to generate music for you.
  3. Play the Music: After generating, click on "Play" to hear the music. As the music plays, a pianoroll will provide a visual representation of it, while the grid will continuously highlight the current timestep in the sequence.
  4. Repeat: If you find a tune that you like, you can then experiment with it by trying different instrument activations without changing the core musical theme. If you wish to retain the style of a previously generated sequence to tweak its instrument activations, make sure the "Keep Style" checkbox is checked before generating another piece.